Focus Areas

Finding Your Focus.
Focus Areas allow undecided students to explore majors in a general area of personal or professional interest for their first 30 hours of credit.
Focus Areas Information
Academic focus areas or meta-majors are designed for students who have not declared a major upon entering West Georgia.
Focus areas group major programs together so that undecided students can pursue coursework that offers a successful pathway to completion and explore majors in a general area of personal or professional interest. The courses aligned to each academic focus area will count across all major programs within the focus area and will also offer an informative exposure to the focus area field. These courses are applicable across a wide range of majors within the focus area and will help students avoid unnecessary credits as they narrow their program choice. The nine focus areas or meta-majors offered at 在线博彩 are described below.
Focus Area Information
Do you love art, music, theatre, or film? Might you want to be certified to teach art or music in the schools by the time you finish your bachelor’s degree? Might you want to work professionally as an actor, artist, or musician, or in the film industry? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Arts meta-major may be for you. In this meta-major, you’ll take core curriculum classes especially targeted for the arts, including a special interdisciplinary XIDS 2100 pathways course that will help you think critically about arts-related career options.
Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.
C1: ENGL 1101
English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1001 OR 1111
(Recommended) Quantitative Skills & Reasoning or College Algebra (3 Credit Hours)
I2: XIDS 2002
(Recommended) First Year Seminar (2 Credit Hours)
S1: HIST 1111 OR 1112
World History (3 Credit Hours)
Major Course
See Advisor for Details (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1101 C or better.
C2: ENGL 1102
English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)
I1: THEA 2050 OR Art 2000
Self-Staging: Oral Com Daily Life or Oral Communication/Visual Arts (3 Credit Hours)
T1: Science + Lab
Non-Science Majors (4 Credit Hours)
A2: XIDS 2100
Pathways in the Arts and Humanities (3 Credit Hours)
S2: Social Science OR Major Course
See Advisor for Details (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1102 C or better.
14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours
At the Richards College of Business, we are in the business of transforming lives through education, engagement, and experiences, and we mean that. Through our business majors, students are introduced to various theories and concepts that will guide them far beyond the academic walls to become global leaders in business and industry. Our students acquire more than knowledge during their time with us and leave us prepared to not only lead, but to make an impact on the business world. We have had the pleasure to educate top managers, entrepreneurs, accountants, financial analysts, economists and marketing executives who are alumni of the Richards College.
During your first year, you will be exposed to our curriculum with courses in macroeconomics, microeconomics, and computer applications. Our engaging faculty are well-versed in meeting the needs of all students. If you are excited about impacting the lives of others through service in the world of business, the Richards College of Business is the academic home for you. Go West! Go Business!
Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.
C1: ENGL 1101
English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1111 OR 1113
College Algebra or Precalculus (3 Credit Hours)
I2: XIDS 2002
First Year Seminar (2 Credit Hours)
F: ECON 2106
Microeconomics (3 Credit Hours)
S1 OR P1
World or US History (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1101 C or better.
- Complete MATH 1111 or 1113 with a C or better
C2: ENGL 1102
English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)
T2: MATH 1413
Survey of Calculus (3 Credit Hours)
F: CISM 2201
Foundations of Business and Spreadsheet Analysis (3 Credit Hours)
F: ECON 2105
Principles or Macroeconomics (3 Credit Hours)
T1: Science + Lab
Science Course Elective (4 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1102 C or better.
- Complete a Lab Science
- Earn at least 30 credit hours at the end of year 1
- Complete CISM 2201, ECON 2105, and ECON 2106 at the end of year 1
14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours
Do you love reading, writing, and thinking? Ever thought about working in a museum or writing a book or screenplay? Might you want certification to teach English, French, Spanish, or Social Studies as part of your bachelor’s degree? Want a degree that will prepare you for graduate school in a multitude of academic and professional fields? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Humanities meta-major may be for you. In this meta-major, you’ll take core curriculum classes especially chosen for those pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree. This meta-major provides immediate access to the foreign language and other core curriculum courses that you’ll need to graduate, including a special interdisciplinary XIDS 2100 pathways course that will help you think critically about promising careers that might be approached through a humanities degree.
Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.
C1: ENGL 1101
English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1001 OR 1111
(Recommended) Quantitative Skills & Reasoning or College Algebra (3 Credit Hours)
I2: XIDS 2002
(Recommended) First Year Seminar (2 Credit Hours)
I1: PHIL 2020
Critical Thinking (3 Credit Hours)
Any FREN, GRMN or SPAN Elementary I or II, or Intermediate I or II (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1101 C or better
C2: ENGL 1102
English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)
T1: Science + Lab
Non-Science Majors (3 Credit Hours)
S1: HIST 1111 OR 1112
World History (3 Credit Hours)
A1: XIDS 2100
Pathways in the Arts & Humanities (3 Credit Hours)
S2: Social Science
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1102 C or better
14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours
Are you interested in serving humanity and doing public good? The Social Sciences meta-major is the scientific study of human society and social relationships. As a Social Sciences meta-major you will have the opportunity to explore key aspects of the human condition and broaden your understanding of life and how it is lived. This exploration is critical to the development of informed, engaged, and active members of our communities. The Social Sciences meta-major includes courses in Anthropology, Criminology, Geography, Mass Communications, Political Science, Psychology, Social and Behavioral Health, and Sociology.
Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.
C1: ENGL 1101
English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
I2: XIDS 2002
(Recommended) First Year Seminar (2 Credit Hours)
P2: POLS 1101
American Government (3 Credit Hours)
T1: Science + Lab
Elective Course (4 Credit Hours)
A: Humanities
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1101 C or better
C2: ENGL 1102
English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1001
Quantitative Skills & Reasoning (3 Credit Hours)
T2 OR A2
Non-Lab Science (ANTH 1105) (3 Credit Hours)
I1: Written and Oral Communication
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
S2: ANTH 1102, SOCI 1101, OR PSYC 1101
(Recommended) Introduction to Anthropology, Introductory Sociology or Introduction to General Psychology (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1102 C or better
15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours
The STEM meta-major is designed for students who are considering academic studies related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields.
This encompasses studies that focus on understanding physical, natural or mathematical systems. The STEM A meta-major prepares students for programs of study in biology, chemistry, geography, geology, mathematics or physics.
Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.
C1: ENGL 1101
English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1111
College Algebra (3 Credit Hours)
T1: Science + Lab
See Below (4 Credit Hours)
I2: XIDS 2002
(Recommended) First Year Seminar (2 Credit Hours)
A: Humanities
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1101 C or better
- Complete MATH 1111
- Complete First lab science unless choice is CHEM 1211
C2: ENGL 1102
English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1112 OR 1113
Trigonometry or Precalculus (3 or 4 Credit Hours)
T2: Science + Lab
See Below (4 Credit Hours)
I1: Oral Communication
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
S: Social Science
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1102 C or better
- Complete MATH 1112 or 1113
- Complete First or Second Lab Science
15 Fall Credit Hours + 16/17 Spring Credit Hours = 31/32 Credit Hours
Choose the lab science sequence that most interests you:
- BIOL 1107/L and BIOL 1108/L
- CHEM 1211/L and CHEM 1212/L
- GEOG 1112/L and GEOG 1113/L
- GEOL 1121/L and GEOL 1122/L
- PHYS 1111/L and PHYS 1112/L or ASTR 2313/L
The STEM meta-major is designed for students who are considering academic studies related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields.
This encompasses studies that focus on the applications of science and mathematics. The STEM B meta-Major prepares students for programs of study in computer science, chemistry, geography, geology, mathematics or physics.
Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.
C1: ENGL 1101
English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)
M: MATH 1113
Precalculus (4 Credit Hours)
T1: Science + Lab
See Below (4 Credit Hours)
I2: XIDS 2002
(Recommended) First Year Seminar (2 Credit Hours)
A: Humanities
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1101 C or better
- Complete MATH 1113
- Complete First lab science
C2: ENGL 1102
English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)
T3: MATH 1401 OR 1634
Statistics or Calculus (3 or 4 Credit Hours)
T2: Science + Lab
See Below (4 Credit Hours)
I1: Oral Communication
Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)
- Complete ENGL 1102 C or better
- Complete MATH 1401 or 1634
- Complete Second Lab Science
16 Fall Credit Hours + 13/14 Spring Credit Hours = 29/30 Credit Hours
Choose the lab science sequence that most interests you:
- BIOL 1107/L and BIOL 1108/L
- CHEM 1211/L and CHEM 1212/L
- GEOG 1112/L and GEOG 1113/L
- GEOL 1121/L and GEOL 1122/L
- PHYS 1111/L and PHYS 1112/L or ASTR 2313/L
Have any questions about your major?
Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!